About Speedfactorshop
About Speedfactor

Speedfactorshop is the online shopping site for car parts we sell in store at Speedfactor Ltd. We started Speedfactor in 2001 to help the growing performance car scene in Tauranga. Now after more than 24 years in the industry and moving with continual changes in the performance and race car scenes, Speedfactor has become one of New Zealands leading performance car parts importers specialising in engine components, suspension components, Japanese & European car parts, Silicone, Aluminium Stainless steel, Auto Plumbing plus much more...
As well as our comprehensive performance and race parts inventory, we also have a fully equipped workshop focusing on engine building, street & performance car preparation and modifications.
We endevour to have all of our online store parts available in New Zealand, so no waiting weeks for your goods after you place your order, unlike some of the other online stores! Payments are not processed until stock is physically checked and confirmed as available.